Delegate Fleischauer served as Chair of the House Committee on Constitutional Revision for 16 years. During that time, she was involved in the formulation of several amendments to the Constitution which passed the Legislature by a super-majority and were adopted following a majority vote by state residents. Changes to the West Virginia Constitution that she helped shape include the following amendments.
Family Court Amendment - This amendment created our current system of family court judges (Article VIII, Section 16 - 1999).
Tax Increment Financing Amendment (TIF) - The TIF amendment provided a new way to finance economic development projects; (Article X, Section 81 - 2002).
Prudent Investment of State Funds Amendment - This revision allowed investment of state funds in the stock market under certain conditions, (Article X, Section 6 -1997).
Veterans Bonus Amendment of 2008 (Amendment 17) - As a way of recognizing and thanking those who have served in our most recent conflicts (Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan), this amendment provided cash bonuses for veterans.