Delegate Barbara Evans Fleischauer is the longest-serving female who is currently a member of the West Virginia House of Delegates.
On January 10, 2022, Delegate Fleischauer filed to run for West Virginia State Senate in District 13, which includes parts of Monongalia and Marion counties, including the cities of Fairmont and Morgantown and other smaller municipalities and unincorporated areas in between the two largest cities.
She is a graduate of Allegheny College in Meadville, Pennsylvania and the WVU College of Law. Barbara lives on the Evans family farm just outside of Morgantown with her husband, WVU Law Professor Bob Bastress. They have two adult children, Rob and Sarah, and two grandchildren, Arlo and Della.
She has passed many important bills affecting women, children, veterans and disabled West Virginians.
She has been Chair, Vice Chair, Joint Co-Chair of Minority Chair of the following committees: House Constitutional Revision Committee, the Select Committee on Children, Joint Veterans Affairs, House Judiciary, and the House Health and Human Resources Committee. She currently serves as House Minority Chair of the Legislative Rule-Making Review
Committee and the Veterans Affairs Committee. During 2022 session, she also serves as a member of Health and Human Resources, Government Organization, and Interstate Cooperation.
Delegate Fleischauer is known as one of the hardest working Delegates, passing hundreds of bills to aid her community and state during her tenure in the West Virginia Legislature.
Barbara is a member of and has served as a leader in local, state and national organizations. She was raised in and is a member of the Unitarian Universalist Church. Because of her legislative and community service, Delegate Fleischauer has been the recipient of numerous awards.